
Jesus Christ.

What is Fair Share?

Fair Share is the name of the way EFCC churches financially support the EFCC movement.

To simplify calculating Fair Share contributions, the EFCC’s board of directors established the level as a percentage of a church’s annual operating budget. This is currently 2.5% (Central District’s amount is 3%, which is explained in the sidebar.

Thank you to those churches who give to Fair Share. If your church is unable to give 2.5% (or 3%), we encourage you to give at the level your church can sustain. Fair Share is contributed to by 75% of our churches.

As Central District has decided to merge with the EFCC, their Fair Share contributions support both district and national at once.

Fair Share directly supports our movement’s varied ministries across Canada and around the world, primarily by supporting the staff and operations of the EFCC Home Office. Here is a quick summary of the work Home Office does:

  • Processing donations and providing accounting support of ministry
  • Planning and coordinating our movement-wide gatherings, like AGMs, Conferences,  and Theological Symposiums
  • Networking leaders and churches by sharing resources and stories
  • Catalysing growth throughout the EFCC movement
  • Ongoing training for pastors, church planters, and leaders
  • Orienting new pastors to the EFCC ethos
  • Recruiting and orienting national and international missionaries
  • Administrating group medical plans

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Designated Gifts Policy

Spending of funds is confined to organization-approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards an organization-approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.