We’re committed to high standards of character and ethical behaviour. Making these explicit is part of good leadership.
The EFCC is a federally-incorporated charity, and has earned an accredited member of the Canadian Council of Christian Charities (CCCC), which demonstrates that we comply with their highly rigorous standards of accounting and exhibits our strong commitment to integrity.
The following policies and practices documents are further commitments to integrity.
I believe that God calls all believers to be people of integrity, that He enables us to live for Him by the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit, and that He extends grace in our weaknesses. Therefore, by God’s grace and in complete dependence upon Him, I enter into this Covenant of Personal and Professional Ethics as a guideline for my life as I serve Him. I enter into this covenant with my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, with the fellowship of the Ministerial Association of the EFCC and with those whom I serve.
Click here to download the EFCC Covenant of Personal and Professional Ethics.
There is a standard of care that is imposed on the directors and officers of a charity which affects the actions and activities of individuals who govern the affairs of the charity. The standard of care also addresses the extent to which the directors of a charity may delegate their responsibilities. One area of delegation involves the investment of a charity’s funds. It is prudent for the board of directors of a charity to have an investment policy and a monitoring system to oversee the implementation of such a policy.
Click here to download the EFCC Investment Policy.
This policy serves as a guideline for the EFCC staff, missionaries, board members, volunteers, outside advisers who assist in the gift planning and solicitation process, and prospective donors who wish to make gifts to the EFCC of unrestricted, restricted and endowment funds. This Gift Acceptance Policy is intended only as a guide and allows for flexibility on a case-by-case basis.
Click here to download the EFCC Gift Acceptance Policy.
At the Evangelical Free Church of Canada (EFCC) we understand that privacy is a vital issue for our constituents. This privacy policy outlines our principles and procedures regarding the confidentiality and security of constituent personal information. Some of our services require the collection, use and disclosure of some personal information about our constituents, protecting their personal information is one of our highest legal and ethical priorities.
Click here to download the EFCC Privacy Policy.
Cliquez ici pour télécharger le document Pacte d’éthique personnelle et professionnelle en français.
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