We are called to a generosity of spirit that frees us to embrace a wide variety of Christian brothers and sisters – “simply believers” – some with whom we will not agree in matters that are outside our Statement of Faith. Our spirit is one of warm welcome to all believers who share our commitment to our Statement of Faith and who seek to follow Jesus’ command to love God and love our neighbour as ourselves.
The statements below reflect such a generosity of spirit. Our hope with these statements is to joyfully express Kingdom-mindedness and an inclusive heart. These are a foundational part of our ethos, driven by our humble understanding of Scripture.
The Evangelical Free Church of Canada affirms the historic, theological and Biblical understanding of marriage and sexuality.
The purpose for this document is neither to condemn nor judge others (Matt 7:1-6) but to offer a proper view of God and His good plan for human flourishing and for shalom (Psa 119; Gal 6:1-5).
A document that affirms the dignity and value of each human being. A reminder that even in the midst of dark, trying times, there is hope.
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