fosmark buildingBUILDING
DonateGrowing Leaders,Churches,& The Familyfor

Good News! We have:


Pledged & Received!

What’s Left to Reach?

Pledged & Received

This is one example of how our goal can be reached!

*Monthly amounts cover a period of 25 months.

Achieving this fundraising goal will require generous giving from people and churches throughout the EFCC family.

The result is a facility that will better serve the EFCC’s needs for generations into the future!

Building for Growth Project Update!

Please share this video with your church!

Building for Growth

Please share this brochure with your church!

(You can download the pdf, and share it digitally.)

Status Report

  • We support 60+ international missionaries

  • We support 140+ churches and 250 pastors

  • We process over $5 million/yr (16,500 transactions)

  • We are CRA compliant

  • We have earned CCCC’s Seal of Accountability

The Challenge

  • We currently have 9 offices for 19 staff members

  • It is difficult to find privacy for sensitive conversations

  • We’re needing to rent larger rooms for meetings

  • Our kitchen facilities are very limited for hosting

The Specifics

Our facilities are simply inadequate for the job at hand!
We need improved facilities to continue to pursue our Growing 3, and options away from TWU’s campus are far more expensive.
The design includes: Sufficient office space for our staff, larger boardroom, multi-purpose classroom, kitchen facilities for hosting missionaries and ministry leaders
Growing 4

Growing Leaders
Growing Churches
Growing the Family

The Opportunity

We are being welcomed to continue and grow the vibrant relationship between TWU and the EFCC by expanding and improving the space for Home Office on the campus of TWU.

The Evangelical Free Church of Canada has been a critically important part of the history of Trinity Western University. The success and value of the working relationship between the University and the EFCC will be evidenced by the construction of the new facilities connected to the Fosmark Building.

Mark Husbands
TWU President

Bob Kuhn
TWU President Emeritus

Mark Husbands
TWU President

Bob Kuhn
President Emeritus

Give Today!

Designated Gifts Policy

Spending of funds is confined to organization-approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards an organization-approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.