Brochures & Booklets
Here are some print pieces we’re using to provide easily digestible, visual information about the EFCC. You can order copies of these to hand out in your church, or to put into brochure racks in your church’s lobby.
5yr Road Map
See what’s informing our strategy for ministry over the next 5 years.
5yr Road Map (low res version: ~2 MB)
A Closer Look
This booklet describes our beliefs, our ethos, our structure and some of our history.
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Welcome to the Family
This booklet is for people who are new to church, or perhaps just new to the Evangelical Free Church. It provides an accessible, easy-to-read snapshot of the EFCC’s history, beliefs and current ministry.
FairShare explains the financial commitment between churches and the movement, as represented by Home Office. Our desire is to make this as easy as possible to understand and to implement.
Rack Cards
Rack cards are the size of a brochure, but they are just two-sided cards. Their meaning and intention can be understood in a brief glance. We are developing a number of these to cover a variety of topics. See the ones currently available below — you can click on them to see a pdf preview. To order these for your church, contact Home Office.