Brochures & Booklets

Here are some print pieces we’re using to provide easily digestible, visual information about the EFCC. You can order copies of these to hand out in your church, or to put into brochure racks in your church’s lobby.

5yr Road Map

See what’s informing our strategy for ministry over the next 5 years.

5yr Road Map

 5yr Road Map (low res version: ~2 MB)

A Closer Look

Closer Look

This booklet describes our beliefs, our ethos, our structure and some of our history.

Click here to see the Closer Look booklet.

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Welcome to the Family

This booklet is for people who are new to church, or perhaps just new to the Evangelical Free Church. It provides an accessible, easy-to-read snapshot of the EFCC’s history, beliefs and current ministry.


FairShare explains the financial commitment between churches and the movement, as represented by Home Office. Our desire is to make this as easy as possible to understand and to implement.

The EFCC Home Office

Home Office Serves

This booklet points to several things the Home Office is responsible for.

Rack Cards

Rack cards are the size of a brochure, but they are just two-sided cards. Their meaning and intention can be understood in a brief glance. We are developing a number of these to cover a variety of topics. See the ones currently available below — you can click on them to see a pdf preview. To order these for your church, contact Home Office.

Growing Leaders

Growing Leaders is about helping the EFCC operate as a movement that is led by, invests in, and develops “culturally sensitive servant leaders.” It is one of EFCC’s three key priorities in the fulfillment of our mission.

Abundance Canada

Generosity is easy in principle, but the realities of financial planning can get pretty complicated. Wouldn’t it be great if someone could explain the available options and opportunities to you? Abundance Canada can help!


Serve24 is a brand-new initiative that combines academic instruction through Prairie College (10 months), and practical, team-based experience with our ServeBeyond missionaries (14 months).

EFCC Guide to Giving

Check out some of the convenient ways we offer to contribute financially to what we’re doing for God’s Kingdom.

ServeBeyond Intro

ServeBeyond is the international mission arm of the EFCC. We assist churches with gospel sharing, church planting, and developing new ministry opportunities around the world.

ServeCanada (EFCC National Mission) describes the work we do across Canada. Click the image above to see more details.

Evangelical and Free

“Evangelical” and “Free” are part of our name, but it’s not necessarily clear what they mean. This card helps to explain this.


Our motto is a way to identify us. There’s more to ours than meets the eye.

This card offers a thumbnail sketch of Congregationalism, the model for local church governance in the EFCC.

Articles of Interest

These articles are provided as reflections on matters considered important to the EFCC. We do not view these as authoritatively as we view our Statement of Faith, for example. We offer them to spark your thinking, and to shape the ongoing dialogue within the Evangelical Free Church Family.

SOF Commentary

We provide this expanded commentary on the EFCC Statement of Faith to facilitate a fuller understanding of its meaning and intentions.


In a Congregational church, authority resides in the corporate will of the church membership. This article helps to frame what that means, and what it does not mean.


One of the great challenges behind coordinating a movement is to identify essentials vs. non-essentials. Here’s how we do that!

Who We Are

A document that explains our ethos, or Who We Are, in more detail.

preaching worth the effort

Ensuring that the efforts, gifting, and resources that God has provided are stewarded well.