
Ukraine Update: Relief Efforts in Action

Thank you so much for your prayers and generous giving to the EFCC Benevolence Fund! Your prayers and financial help have made a big difference in many people’s lives in Ukraine. We praise God and thank all of you that over $177,000 has been donated to the EFCC Benevolence Emergency Relief Funds for Ukraine.

I have the opportunity to share a story about some of the ways the fund is being used to meet people’s basic needs in Ukraine. Here is a report and photos (see above) from one of our national staff in Ukraine, Pastor Yuri. He is the pastor of Kramatorsk Evangelical Free Church. He had this to share:

Hello, I am a pastor of a small church in Ukraine. The war has been very hard on people in our city and the congregation. We are located in the Donetsk region, which Russia is currently trying to take over. On a typical Sunday, we used to have 30 people attending our small church. Many people fled when the war started, knowing Russia would tartget our area. I felt the Lord calling me to stay and serve the eople. My wife and I made the difficult decision to send her and our children out of Ukraine while I remained in the area. Businesses are closed, people are without jobs and the grocery stores are empty. With help from the EFCC Benevolence Fund, we could buy groceries such as oil and bread for people who could no longer provide for themselves. Our church began to overflow, and we started to have baptisms weekly. A couple of weeks ago, our service grew from 30 to 178 people. Praise God! I appreciate your support. Our food outreach has been incredible in our city. Thanks to the EFCC Benevolence Fund.

This is one of the many stories of how God is using the Benevolence Funds in Ukraine. In some instances, the Benevolence Fund is being used to simply put groceries on someone’s table who can’t provide for themselves anymore. In another instance, gas is provided so that the family can flee the invading army. We have also seen bedding, mattresses, diapers, medicine, and tickets purchased to help refugees travel toward Western Europe.

Thank you for helping us to make a difference to those who need it in practical ways.

Ike Agawin
International Mission Director