• grassroots ministries
  • tokyo multicultural church
  • tokyo multicultural church
  • church planting and youth work kenya
  • church in ukraine
  • church planting and youth work kenya
  • la semilla
  • la semilla
  • community development
  • cuba ministries
  • arbol de vida
  • church in ukraine
  • church in ukraine

Missionaries & Projects

The Lord has called us to be on mission with Him and sends us to reach the world, especially those who have not heard.
We exist to help lives be transformed by the power of the Gospel.


Planting Churches Planting Seeds Reaching Women Reaching Children Providing Food Providing Healthcare Building Skills Building Education Building Communities

ServeBeyond Missionaries

helen blackburn

Field: Tarija, Bolivia
Category: Global Professional
EFCC District: Prairie
Account No: 2-3004
Project: Candelero Street Kids 
: Click here to connect
Home Church: First Evangelical Free Church | Calgary AB

Personal Journey | Helen accepted Jesus at a Barry Moore Crusade in Saskatoon in 1971. In 1972 she took a year’s leave of absence from the Calgary School Board and left for Briercrest to find out about the Christian life. One year turned into three and after graduation at BBI she left for Swaziland in 1975 with AEF. In 1979, she entered Multnomah School of the Bibleand upon graduating in 1981, returned to teach and finish her BEd after her degree in Calgary. After her dad’s passing in 1983, she contacted the EFCM and left for France for a year of French and returned to Africa in 1986. Helen was commissioned as a Career Missionary with the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond) in Calgary in 1990 and returned to Bau, Zaire, until all expatriates were evacuated in 1991. Sevastopol, Ukraine was her next posting where she taught English at School #3 and held home Bible studies as follow-up to Summer English Institutes. In 1999 she was refused a new visa and given 10 days to leave the country. In the fall of that year she began Russian studies in Columbia, SC and left for Russia in 2000. She worked at the State Educational Center in St. Petersburg,teaching English and Bible, until 2004 when she returned to Canada. Helen retired in 2005 but accepted the Lord’s leading to Tarija, Bolvia where she now lives and works.

Current Ministry | Helen finished Spanish studies at RGBI in May of 2011 and left for Bolivia to join the work of El Candelero Kids. She lives in a small house close to El Candelero Boys’ Home, in the country. Helen works closely with Heather MacKnee at the Boys’ Home. They are working with the Bolivian Government to get the Home fully accredited. When she is not working at the home Helen helps one day a week at the Children’s Support Centre in Tarija (also run by Heather MacKnee), and teaches English classes two days a week in the city.

shaun sondi carlaw

Field: Hungary
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Canadian Pacific
Account No: 2-2070
Project: Hungary Ministries
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Broadview EFC – Salmon Arm BC

Personal Journey | Shaun was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ as Saviour at an early age. Söndi was introduced to Christ in her first year of college when she joined a Christian choir. Shaun’s experience in Hungary began in 1991 when he first started teaching English. Shaun met Söndi at Kelenfold EFC, and they were married in Budapest in 2002. Söndi joined the EFCCM(now ServeBeyond) in August 2002. They have three boys.

Current Ministry | Shaun and Söndi moved and are living in Budapest area. Shaun uses English teaching as a tool holding outreach English clubs, Bible studies and summer camps as a means to reach the community and grow the church. Söndi volunteers with a Roma mission in outreaches and music ministry in Budapest and in different places through Hungary.

louise chan

Field: Latin America
Category: Mission Associate
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-2855
Project: Chinese EFC & School Ministry
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Richmond Chinese EFC- Richmond BC

Personal Journey | Born into a Christian family and influenced by her grandmother, Louise accepted the Lord at 19. After working in Hong Kong with the church, she immigrated to Canada with her family in 1990. After some short – and long-term mission work in Venezuela, Louise joined the EFCCM(now ServeBeyond) in 1995 and planted the Chinese Evangelical Free Church of Maracaibo.

Current Ministry | Louise is active in an evangelism and church planting ministry focused on the pockets of Chinese immigrants living in medium-sized, urban centres in Latin America.


Field: Kandern, Germany
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Alberta Parkland
Account No: 2-2086
Project: Black Forest Academy
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Grace Bible Fellowship- – Sexsmith AB

Personal Journey | Tim and Erika are from Sexsmith, Alberta. Tim is an Electrician and has served as a Youth Pastor and as Pastor of a church plant. Erika has worked outside of the home at times but has been a stay-at-home mom for the majority of the past eleven years. Tim and Erika have been blessed to grow up in Christian homes and both knew Jesus from a young age. Both were sure as youth that they would grow up to work with children and youth sharing the love of Jesus. In their married life that passion has continued as they have been foster parents and worked in and out of the church in various children and youth ministries, as well as a number of short-term missions.

Current Ministry | Tim and Erika are pursuing their calling and passion to share Jesus’ love with youth at Black Forest Academy where they have been serving since August 2019. They are pleased to be able to support the continuing work of Missions by helping to provide a safe Christian home for missionary kids to live and pursue their education, while their parents spread the gospel across the globe.


Field: Hermosillo, Mexico
Category: Mission Associate
EFCC District: Alberta Parkland
Account No: 2-2077
Project: Hacienda los Arboles Retreat Centre | facebook
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: McDougal Chapel – Sundre AB

Personal Journey | When in Canada, though they are retired John and Donna make their home at Rivers Edge Camp. They have been in camp ministry in central Alberta since 2008. They continue to volunteer at the camp wherever needed. John and Donna continue to serve at their home church, McDougal Chapel, by serving on the mission board.

Current Ministry | John and Donna felt led to serve in Hermosillo, Mexico. They go with willing hands and feet to serve with Iglesia Evangelical Libra Arbol de Vida as well as at Hacienda Los Árboles. They wish to serve in whatever area they are needed.


Field: Latin America
Category: Member Care Coach
EFCC District: Canadian Pacific
Account No: 2-3235
Project: Mission School Education
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: The Rock Christian Fellowship – Ladysmith BC

Personal Journey | John, from Saskatchewan, and Naomi, from Delaware, met at Briercrest Bible College and married following graduation. In addition to their professional successes in many facets of education, they have served in a number of Christian ministries including three years in Ecuador with the renowned Jivaro (Shuar). Following retirement from public education, they joined ServeBeyond as Mission Associates to use their talents wherever the Lord indicates. They both hold Masters Degrees in Educational Leadership.

Current Ministry | John and Naomi are committed to using their education and experience to support the ministries of other missionaries especially in the field of education. They have ongoing Christian education support commitments in Panama, Bolivia, El Salvador, Ecuador and Belize. They are deeply involved in teacher training, professional development, evaluation of ministry effectiveness and the assessment of children’s needs. In addition to working with schools, they also offer training for Sunday school workers, children’s home staff and those in positions of leadership.


Field: Hermosillo, Mexico
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Alberta Parkland
Account No: 2-2185
Project: Hacienda Los Arboles Retreat Centre 
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Mill Lake Church – Abbotsford BC

Personal Journey | Wade and Adele grew up Southern Saskatchewan. They met in High School, fell deeply in love, and soon after Adele graduated, were married. From the very beginning they were actively involved serving the local church. Adele helped with administrative tasks, children’s ministry and Bible studies while Wade served as the Sunday School Superintendent and church treasurer. In the Summer of 1984, they felt led to leave the family business to attend Millar College of the Bible. Missions and missionaries have had a significant impact in their lives prior to attending college, and the time at Millar resulted in that passion growing. After graduating in 1987, they moved to Edmonton where Wade completed his M. Div. and connected with an EFCC church plant in the city. In the 90’s Wade served as an associate pastor at Millwoods EFC in Edmonton before moving on to pastor the EFC of Coronation. Adele’s specific interest in the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond) grew as she served for seven years on the EFCC’s mission board during this time. From2004-2012,Wade and Adele lived and worked in Red Deer where they were involved in the International EFC – a Spanish church. This Spanish ministry motivated them both to become ESL instructors. Following their move to Abbotsford, Adele completed her MA TESOL at TWU and taught international university students there while Wade served as the Personnel Director at the EFCC/M National Office until 2018. Wade and Adele have 2 sons, 2 daughters-in-law and 4 wonderful grandchildren.

Current Ministry | Wade and Adele are living in Hermosillo, Mexico and have become a part of the Árbol de Vida EFC church ministry. Their ministry focus is using English (ESL) instruction to connect with people both within the church and outside of it. Wade is overseeing the development of the Hacienda Los Arboles retreat centre as well as performing administrative duties for other ServeBeyond ministries in Hermosillo. He is also on a rotating preaching roster at the church and mentoring some of the young men who are in leadership at ADV. In addition to teaching English, Adele uses her baking ministry to connect with the neighbours and others and is also becoming involved in some mentoring relationships with women in the church. They are looking forward to hosting ministry teams from Canada.

jerome harvey

Field: Zimbabwe
Category: Mission Associate
EFCC District: Central
Account No: 2-3239
Project: MEMO | memoministry.org
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Grace EFC – Thunder Bay ON

Personal Journey | Jerome and Maureen(deceased) met in their High School Christian Club and planned to spend their lives together serving God “when they grew up”. As a graduate nurse and a medical student, they married in 1957 and spent 19 years practicing family medicine, raising eight children in a small town, working with young people, and short term (six week) trips to Nigeria and Niger. In 1976, they went to Niger with SIM to direct a hospital and develop a village health program. Returning to Thunder Bay, the next 23 years involved family practice and counseling, while their kids studied, married, and created their own families.

Current Ministry | MEMO (Medical Equipment Modernization Opportunity) is a humanitarian organization located in Thunder Bay, Ontario, and working under ServeBeyond that recycles used but still usable medical equipment and supplies and humanitarian aid to the Zimbabwe Gecko Society (ZGS) as they develop self sustaining Christian Communities in Zimbabwe. MEMO provides material support for caring for 3000 AIDs orphans, school supplies, medical supplies, seamstress training supplies, carpentry and welding training tools and supplies, books for libraries, church furniture, and much more. MEMO has shipped 97 ocean containers to missionaries in 6 countries in its 16 years of existence.


Field: San Salvador, El Salvador
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-2958
Project: El Ro-í Ministry Centre | El Salvador Development
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Cedar Grove Baptist Church – Surrey BC

Personal Journey | Cecilia was born and raised in Central America but moved to Canada in her early teens. She grew up in a religious family environment but discovered a relationship with Jesus as she started reading His Word for the first time in the late 90’s while in Thunder Bay, ON. Her relationship with the Lord grew stronger when she moved to BC and found a church family that walked alongside her as she went through a journey of not only spiritual growth but also of emotional healing. Through their encouragement and support, Cecilia was able to attend Millar College of the Bible for 4 years, including an internship in Bolivia with EFCCM (now ServeBeyond). It was during these 4 years that her calling to full-time ministry overseas was solidified and began her career service in El Salvador. She was blessed with a beautiful, adopted daughter in 2015. The Lord has used the blessing of a child later in life to His glory as she continues to reach out to the community.

Current Ministry | Cecilia works in her native country of El Salvador where she reaches out to kids and families through a holistic ministry called “El Ro-i Ministries”. The name for this ministry is taken from Genesis 16:14, as it is Cecilia’s passion for the people of this community to have a personal encounter with the Lord who sees them and to disciple them in the Word of God. This takes place in a rural and poverty-stricken community consisting of about 650 families. Some of the projects include: kid’s and youth Bible Ministries, adult Bible Studies, a Church plant, a Christian Kindergarten Project, hosting the APD house building team from Alberta, and many more ministries in this rapidly growing work of the Lord.


Field: Zimbabwe
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-3255
Project: Zimbabwe Gecko | facebook
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: White Rock Baptist Church – White Rock BC

Personal Journey | Frank and Susan grew up in Zimbabwe and married in 1971. In 1980 they immigrated to Canada to escape what was known as “the time of unrest”, leaving everything behind to start a new life. They now live in Surrey, BC. Over the last 45 years they have been working yearly in Zimbabwe. They have seen a significant decline in the lifestyles of people, especially in children. 95%of the people in Zimbabwe are unemployed and over 2 million are living and dying from HIV/AIDS, leaving many in the current generation without parents, food, or the means/knowledge to support themselves. In 2020 it is expected that 60% of the population will face starvation without intervention, Frank and Susan have a passion to help people in general but it was when the Holy Spirit stirred their hearts that their mission to widows and orphans became a reality in a more meaningful way. They formed the Zimbabwe Gecko Society in 2008 which came under the direction of EFCCM (now ServeBeyond) in 2010. Their ministry now oversees whole communities which other organizations are now copying.

Current Ministry | Susan and Frank hope to spend 3 months in Zimbabwe each year. Zimbabwe Gecko has had great success in assisting communities to become self-sustaining by adding the 6 components of health: Clean Water (having access to clean drinking water is essential); Food Security (Support sustainable farming programs which include Farming God’s Way); Education (Support building of schools and education); Education for Adults (Carpentry, sewing, farming, welding, painting and more); Health Centers (Develop and improve capacity so locals can receive health care services in their own communities including a clinic and teaching Basic First Aid & Midwifery along with a medical team from Canada each year); and Church (build church and encourage participation through Love and the Lord’s Word.) Many have come to know the Lord and in turn serve their community. The plan is ongoing development of services that will grow with the needs of the people and the capacity of care providers. We have to date supported 36 communities which accounts for thousands of people gaining independence. We have also added container ministry through MEMO which helps equip all our programs, new and old.


Field: Uganda & Vancouver, BC
Category: Mission Associate
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2- 2106
Project: Africa Development
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Jesus Grace International Church – Vancouver BC

Personal Journey | Sammy Kabyemera was born in 1968, in Bogoro, a small village in the East of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in central Africa. Eva Temanya is his beloved wife and they have been married since 1985 and have six children – four boys and two girls.
Sammy became an orphan when he was only eight years old. He was raised by a single mother in a Christian family who were farmers. After completing his education he became a secondary school teacher. In 1993 Kabyemera gave his life to the Lord after being convinced by a sermon given by late Theologian, Dr. Chelo Calvin. He then heard and accepted the call to ministry. After training he was ordained as a pastor in 1997 in the Evangelical Church. Due to the tribal conflicts and war, he fled with his family to an Uganda refugee camp in 2003. While there he served as a pastor until he immigrated to Canada in 2008.

Current Ministry | Sammy and Eva joined the EFCC in 2011 as a pastor leading Jesus Grace International Church in Vancouver, BC. Sammy has a heart for refugees in Uganda, so he works as a Missionary Associate under ServeBeyond. Twice every year he ministers to refugees by giving to vulnerable families and having discipleship training for church and leaders. He also has a literacy class program to help fight illiteracy in the refugee camp as part of his Community Development program. He does gospel outreach to street youth in Kampala. In Vancouver he preaches and leads a small African multicultural congregation.


Field: Tokyo, Japan
Category: Regional Coordinator
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-2280
Project: Tokyo Multicultural Church | tokyochurch.org | facebook
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Mill Lake Church – Abbotsford BC | Community of Grace – Maine USA

Personal Journey | Ann was raised a vegetable farmer’s daughter in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, USA. She asked Jesus into her heart at DVBS when she was 6. After graduating from the local public high school she completed Bible college in Maine and then served as Director of Christian Education at her home church in Portland, Maine, now Community of Grace (EFCA). Sensing the call of God to serve in missions she began seminary study at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (TEDS) in greater Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Dale was born and raised in Japan as a missionary kid of Canadian parents. His mother led him to the Lord when he was 7. Most of his childhood schooling was in Japan (in English) but he graduated from secondary school in Dawson Creek BC while his parents were on “furlough.” After two years at Trinity Western University he worked in aviation electronics at Vancouver airport and was beginning his engineering study at UBC. But the Lord had other plans and nudged him toward returning to his country of birth as a missionary. So he changed direction, completed undergraduate study in philosophy at SFU, and began seminary study first at Regent College then at TEDS. So it was that in the summer of 1979 Ann & Dale met over breakfast at TEDS seminary. Ann ended up earning an M.A. in Christian Education, and Dale an M.Div. (missions emphasis) and a Ph.D. (systematic theology). They were married in 1981. For their first year of marriage, and as part of his seminary program, Dale did a full year pastoral internship at Abbotsford EFC, now Mill Lake Church. They moved to Japan in 1984 and began their missionary career with the EFCA mission. In 2004 they transferred to the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond). They have planted two EFC of Japan churches, one in greater Nagoya city and the other in Tokyo, and they have pastored a third. All three of their children are married and live in the USA. They all love to visit Japan where they were raised or born. Dale & Ann have two grandchildren with a third on the way.

Current Ministry | In 2013 Dale & Ann launched their third EFC church planting project in Japan, Tokyo Multicultural Church (TMC). This ServeBeyond project is their main ministry. They also serve as Regional Coordinators for ServeBeyond in Asia, coming alongside, encouraging, and networking missions personnel in at least Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, and Japan. In addition, Dale teaches theology in Japanese part time at Japan Bible Seminary (Tokyo), a well known evangelical seminary in Japan.

david and lina

Field: Tokyo, Japan
Category: Mission Associates
EFCC District: n/a
Account No: 2-2377
Project: TMC Chinese Ministries Church Planting
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: FCC

Personal Journey | David’s grandmother is a Christian and taught him about the Bible when he was a child. In 1997 he moved to Japan to work as an engineer, where he began attending Tokyo International Christian Church. It was there that he heard the gospel and believed, then was baptized in 2000. Returning to his home country in 2005 for work, he began attending a local church. In 2012 he started his seminary study at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). In 2015 he began full-time ministry in his church, and then in 2018 he launched a new church, FCC. In 2020 he graduated from DTS with a doctoral degree (DEDM). Lina heard the gospel and accepted Christ at her workplace in 2003. She gradually grew in her knowledge of Jesus though a Bible study and other small groups at her church. God led her to start a Bible study group in her new workplace in order to share the gospel with professionals. This grew into a worship service. While working at a US company in her home country she joined various ministries at her church such as worship leader and youth missionary leader on a part-time basis, David & Lina were married in 2009. They have two children, Jamie and Joshua. In 2018 God called them to serve as missionaries in Japan. So they joined SIM and in 2023 were seconded to ServeBeyond to serve at Tokyo Multicultural Church.

Current Ministry | David & Lina lead the Chinese ministries of Tokyo Multicultural Church that seeks to reach Japanese, Chinese and the international community of Tokyo with the gospel. In addition, David serves in their local community Chinese fellowship, and Lina leads a “MomCo” group for mothers of Japanese, Chinese and other international people groups.

heather macknee

Field: Tarija, Bolivia
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Prairie
Account No: 2-2380
Project: Candelero Street Kids 
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Church of the Open Bible – Swift Current SK

Personal Journey | Heather became a Christian at age 5 in Sunday school and later, with the help of her parents, dedicated her life to God. In 1989 she spent six weeks helping with a Youth Centre project in Bolivia where she also visited a school in need of a music teacher. In 1991 she began teaching music and working with youth groups in Santa Cruz. In 1998 Heather began working in Tarija carrying out friendship evangelism through music, sports, and El Candelero Coffee House ministry. Heather joined the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond) in 2001.

Current Ministry | Since 2004, Heather has given leadership to the Street Kid’s ministry, Candelero Kids, which helps meet the spiritual and physical needs of poverty stricken kids who come from dysfunctional homes and who need much direction and love. In 2008, she and her staff of 5 Bolivians were able to rent a house to use as a Support Center, and they continue to show God’s love to the kids, ages 6 – 18, who come for up to 8 hours a day by providing them with Christ’s love and training, fun activities and a nutritious meal. In 2011, their ministry expanded by opening a Boy’s Home for abandoned boys, ages 7 – 20, outside of the city, and in 2013, they moved into their own Home in another rural area. Presently, there are a total of 11 teenage boys/ young men who are living there and who are being guided to trust and follow Jesus Christ.


Field: Manila, Philippines
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Prairie
Account No: 2-2433
Project: Faith Academy
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Mount Olive Evangelical Free Church – Three Hills AB

Personal Journey | Jason grew up in a Christian home in Alberta skiing off his roof. Andrea (Enns) grew up in Indonesia swinging into rivers from jungle vines. Jason lived in the city of Edmonton, AB. Andrea lived near a village in Borneo. Their paths crossed at Prairie Bible Institute in the touring choir. They fell in love over Rook tournaments, cafeteria work shifts, and library ‘study’ hours. They now have 5 boys. The Lord has been gracious and allowed them a wonderful life in Three Hills. Jason was a Youth Pastor and construction worker, among other things. Andrea directed the PCA “His Singers” for 10 years and was involved in their church’s mom’s group and town activities.

Current Ministry | While in college, Jason and Andrea desired to be in overseas mission work and now that dream is coming true. They were accepted with the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond) in 2010 and the Lord called them to Faith Academy in Manila where Jason is a Bible teacher. Andrea is at home with some of the boys and is involved in the community and at the school. The Millers are also actively involved in their local church in Manila.

greg shelli neufeld

Field: Hermosillo, Mexico
Category: Regional Coordinator
EFCC District: Alberta Parkland
Account No: 2-2470 | 2-2472
Project: Make a Difference in Mexico | knowgst.ca
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Zion Evangelical Missionary Church – Didsbury AB

Personal Journey | Greg was raised in a Christian home and accepted Christ as a young child. In contrast, Shelli grew up in a non-Christian home, but the influence of friends and her Mom’s salvation led her to Christ while in university. Greg and Shelli married in 1994 and have three children. They have both been heavily involved serving in a variety of ministries over the years. Greg led a short-term sports trip to Mexico. Shelli served with Venture Teams International. They began serving with the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond) in 1998. They finished language training in 2000 and started working in Hermosillo that year as youth pastors of the local church.

Current Ministry | In 2000 Greg and Shelli assisted in the church plant, of the Arbol de Vida EFC Church in Hermosillo and received over 90 teams from Canada in this time. Greg served as the lead pastor until 2017 and then turned over the pastoral leadership of the Arbol de Vida EFC to a national-run pastoral team. Greg and Shelli then served in the role as parents for 19 precious kids in an orphanage setting.  2023 presented a new ministry opportunity as Greg and Shelli took on the role of Latin American Regional Coordinator for ServeBeyond. With this position, they aim to support, encourage, and provide resources to all of the ServeBeyond missionaries located in Latin American countries. They also assist the ServeBeyond head office in the area of short-term mission teams. Added to these roles, Greg is the media lead for the SUNESIS: Understanding the Bible, theological training courses and Shelli trains creative tools to Children’s Ministry workers with the Bible Safari program in Canada, the U.S. and Latin America. As a couple they will continue to support the SMILEs ministry (children severely burnt in a daycare fire) and the WINGS Program (Working with Individuals in Need of Guidance and Support). This program is for young adults transitioning out of orphanages and is designed to give them the opportunity for safe housing, education, mentorship, coaching, counseling, and spiritual guidance. Greg’s passion is leading worship and Shelli enjoys teaching the Bible to women.

stephen and myra neufeld

Field: Latin America, Cuba, Mexico
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Alberta Parkland
Account No: 2-2490
Project: Latin America Development | Cuba Development
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Lacombe EFC – Lacombe AB

Personal Journey | After graduating from Winnipeg Bible College, and missiological studies at Trinity Divinity School in Chicago, the Neufelds began their global mission work in 1989 in Lima, Peru, where they focused on cell church development and evangelism. In 1993, they began the church plant in Hermosillo, Mexico that resulted in Árbol de Vida EFC (formerly Agua Viva EFC). Steve became the Latin America Area Director in 1999 and served in that role till 2020.

Current Ministry | Steve & Myra are focused on serving in various locations within the Spanish speaking world. Steve’s main role is as the Lead Missionary for the Cuba ministry within the project “Encourage Cuba.” Their ever-expanding partnership ministries work with local churches, pastors, evangelists and new church planters (within three denominations) to facilitate the expansion of the gospel across the island. Numerous trips to Cuba each year and constant contact and ministry through media, allows the work to flourish. They are strategically involved in training and facilitating the next generation in the privilege of serving in Global Mission. This includes building a partnership with the EFC of Spain (FIEIDE) as they work with them in Cuba. Involving Mexicans in Cuba and Spain, Spaniards in Cuba and Canadians in Cuba, Spain and Mexico is all part of building ministry for the future. Finally, Steve is the Director of the MEMO Project that has shipped over 95 containers of used medical equipment (and other educational material) to numerous countries where ServeBeyond has ministry.

Field: Liberia, Africa
Category: Regional Coordinator
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-2473
Project: Grassroots Ministries LiberiaAfrica Development
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Fort Langley EFC – Fort Langley BC

Personal Journey | Kathleen’s journey of faith started when she was a small child living on the West Coast of Canada. Her heart’s desire is to be like Jesus. She completed her education with a Master of Education at UBC. James and Kathleen met while studying at Prairie Bible College. After they married in 1992, they settled in Canada for nine years. In 2001, they and their five children became missionaries to Liberia and continue to serve there full time.

Current Ministry | James and Kathleen are co-directors of Grassroots Ministry, Liberia, a local faith-based charity in Liberia. James and Kathleen also helps run New Gate Ministry Centre which supports skill training and education.


Field: Kenya
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: n/a
Account No: 2-2103
Project: Church Planting & Youth Work in Kenya 
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: n/a

Personal Journey | Born and raised in a slum in Eldoret town, Henry grew up in a Kenyan home where trust and reliance on Jesus was both a necessity and a blessing. His mom raised him to love and follow Christ and now he is in the work of making others love and follow Him together with his wife Kimberly whom he met in Kenya on the mission field seven years ago. Kimberly was raised in a Christian family and always carried a deep passion for sharing the gospel. She was called into missions at a young age and moved to Kenya at twenty three where she served together with her husband for three years. After returning to Canada for a few years and having three children, she joined ServeBeyond in 2019 along with her husband as church planters in Kenya, East Africa.

Current Ministry | Henry, Kimberly and their four children, have moved to Kenya as career missionaries. They are planting a church for young adults and young families in the growing town of Gilgil, Kenya. The church will give them the opportunity to establish a Youth Camp and Youth Centre as they also join in with the locals in establishing an urban Christian radio station.


Field: Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-2877
Projects: Rays of Love | Ukraine Development
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Christian Life Community Church – Abbotsford BC

Personal Journey | Adam first went to Ukraine on a short-term missions trip in 2002 and fell in love with the kids and ministry the Ukrainian team was doing. For the next 5 years he joined teams each summer, and also led3 summer teams to do ministry in orphanages. Luba has been part of the Ukrainian mission team since 2002 working with the orphan kids when not studying for University. In 2007, Adam moved to Ukraine to follow God’s calling to work in the orphanage ministry in Kryvyi Rih. Adam & Luba met while working on missions teams, fell in love, and were married in 2008.

Current Ministry | Adam is the leader of the orphanage ministry team “Rays of Love” working in 2 orphanages in the city of Kryvyi Rih. The team consists of Adam & Luba, 3 full-time Ukrainian workers and 4 volunteers, 3 who are kids that grew up in the orphanages they work in! They are in the orphanages 2 days a week (the other days they work out of the ministry centre) creating relationships with the kids through Bible studies, games and crafts. They are also in the midst of building a ministry centre, partnered with the E-Free Church Plants in Kryvyi Rih. Mid-January 2019 they completed their smaller building (Larger building is still under construction) and now meet there for Graduate, Young Moms and other ministries. This centre allows “ROL” to expand their current ministries and work more with kids who are no longer in the orphanages (kids in trades schools, universities, young families, single moms). The government is shutting down orphanages and placing kids in foster families so each year there are less and less kids in the orphanages to work with. This centre was built at the perfect time! The ministry is changing but God is opening new doors and giving new ideas of how to work with the orphan kids once they are no longer in the orphanages. Once kids leave the orphanages they are at a higher risk of being pulled into prostitution, drugs, alcohol, crimes and suicide. Thisis acritical time for the ministry to step in and try to help educate and mentor these kids to make wise decisions in their lives. Currently, Adam and Luba reside in Canada due to the conflict in Ukraine.


Field: Nicaragua
Category: Mission Associate
EFCC District: Prairie
Account No: 2-3269
Projects: La Semilla Ministries | Casa de Mi Padre
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Taber EFC – Taber AB

Personal Journey | Rob grew up in a Christian home, school, and  community but it wasn’t until 1984 that he made a public declaration of his need for a Saviour. Throughout her school years, Leslee was taken to church by her grand mother and later committed her life to the Lord in university. The two met while traveling in Spain and were married in 1988. Together they have had a significant role discipling the youth in their local church as well as being strong promoters of global missions. Rob and Leslee balance their time between time in Canada with family and leading/supervising missions projects in Nicaragua.

Current Ministry | As in country directors, Rob and Leslee are heavily invested in the agriculture development initiatives of La Semilla Ministries in Nicaragua. They also stay involved in serving the poor of Nicaragua through ministry of ServeBeyond and their local Nicaraguan church, Casa De Mi Padre, child development initiatives, rural medical clinics and a senior citizen care centre.


Field: Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine
Category: Mission Associates
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-2630
Projects: Church Planting in Ukraine
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: EFC of Medicine Hat – AB

Personal Journey | Daryl and Molly met at church in California and were married 6 years later in 1971. They have 2 married children, and 5 grandchildren. The Porters joined the pastorate in 1978. Their journey with the EFCC began in 1984 with an Associate Pastorate at Lethbridge EFC. Molly worked in youth, children’s, women’s and music ministries. In 1988 Daryl became Pastor at Medicine Hat EFC. They have both organized and led teen mission teams in Canada and Mexico. Daryl served as chaplain for the English Institute in St Petersburg, Russia (1995) and taught at ETCP in the Philippines (1998). In 2000, they were accepted as missionaries to what is now EFCC ServeBeyond. They pastored the Morning Star EFC in Dnepro, Ukraine, and served as the Europe Area Director and then on the EFCC International Mission Director Team. They were also involved in starting the church plant in Kryvyi Rih Ukraine.

Current Ministry | The Porters continue to encourage the church in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine. They are hoping and praying that the SEI (Summer English Institute) ministry, involved in since 2000, can be continued after the war is concluded in Ukraine. Until then they seek to encourage friends and SEI alumni via social media.


Field: Tokyo, Japan
Category: Global Professional
EFCC District: n/a
Account No: 2-2640
Project: Tokyo Multicultural Church 
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Watertown EFC – MN; Grace Fellowship EFC – NJ; Hallelujah Chinese EFC – Toronto, ON

Personal Journey | Jon was raised on the mission field in Japan where his parents served with the EFCM as church planters. He accepted Christ as Saviour when he was 5 years old. Jon was married in 1977 and has three grown sons, one daughter-in-law, and five grandchildren. Lyn, his wife of almost 36 years, died in February 2012 after a 3 year bout with cancer. Jon, along with Lyn, served as church planters in Japan with the EFCM for 20 years before returning to the U.S. to care for Lyn’smother. Jon married Laura Shannon in January 2018 after returning to Japan as a single missionary in 2016. Laura had been a single missionary serving in Japan since 1994, serving as an English teacher in KEEP (Kanto Evangelistic English Program). She continues with that ministry and serves with Jon at TMC (Tokyo MultiCultural Church). Before returning to Japan Jon worked with international students and ministered with area churches as a ‘biblically based cultural consultant’ with FIRE (Facilitating Intercultural Relationships Everywhere), mostly in the Twin City area in Minnesota. He has spent almost half his life in Japan and feels at home there, as does Laura who has served for 26 years in Japan.

Current Ministry | Jon and Laura work with Dale and Ann Little and a core group at Tokyo Multicultural Church, an intercultural ministry that seeks to reach Japanese and the international community of Tokyo with the gospel. Laura also continues to teach English in three Tokyo area churches.


Field: Budapest, Hungary
Category: Career Missionary
EFCC District: Prairie
Account No: 2-2680
Project: Deaf Camp 
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: EFC of Lethbridge – Lethbridge, AB

Personal Journey | Norm and Michelle accepted Christ as children, thanks to the influence of Christian adults in their lives. They met in Victoria, BC at a baseball game shortly before attending the same Bible School in California. Married in Masset, BC in 1977, they have two married sons and six grandsons. From1988-1993 the Smiths served as dorm parents at Black Forest Academy. They joined the EFCM in 1990. In 1993, Norm became Administrative Assistant to the European Director and Michelle taught Sign Language with music at BFA, until Norm’s office moved to Budapest in 1999. In 2003 they joined the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond.) Since that time, Norm has continued to work with ReachGlobal’s Europe Resource Team. After Norm’s illness (2007), he and Michelle returned to Hungary in 2008 to continue ministry. In August 2014 Smith’s relocated back to the Lower Mainland of BC due to health and family issues.

Current Ministry | Norm’s primary role remains the same since even after the Smiths’ return to Canada. His duties include helping plan Europe events approved by the Europe Resource Team: including conferences, seminars, training events, staff retreats and meetings. He also works with North American teams who assist these events. He travels to the field once or twice a year, but is doing his daily work virtually with internet, Skype or Zoom meetings and other out-of-the box technology choices. Michelle continues to be involved in planning Deaf Summer Camp in Hungary. Michelle continues to be involved in the Deaf Community both in Hungary and Canada and as a result of further training, is now a qualified Educational Assistant working with a Deaf Child in a public school.


Field: Hermosillo, Mexico
Category: Mission Associate
EFCC District: Canadian Pacific
Account No: 2-3277
Project: Mexico Development 
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Grace Community Chapel – Whitehorse YT

Personal Journey | Jack and Lucy were both raised in Christian homes, Jack accepting the Lord as a teenager and Lucy as a child. They met in the Yukon, were married in 1978 and have 4 children: Anna, Bonnie, John, and Joshua, and 3 grandchildren. They spend winters assisting in the Arbol de Vida Church in Hermosillo, Mexico.

Current Ministry | Jack and Lucy are now retired and continue to use the time they have available in the winter to work alongside the missionaries and church members of Arbol de Vida in Hermosillo, Mexico. Their focus is to see the church grow deeper in their understanding of God’s Word. Jack does Bible teaching and together they sponsor a week of seminary level Bible education every January that is open to all the churches of Hermosillo. They are also involved in other activities in the church plus helping at a Children’s Home.


Field: Veracruz, Mexico
Category: Global Professional
EFCC District: Central
Account No: 2-2061
Project: Mexico Development
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Lighthouse Church – Port Burwell ON

Personal Journey | Henry & Anna were born in Nuevo Ideal Durango Mexico and grew up in the Old Colony Church. They were married in 1979. In 1980 they were given new birth by the work of the Holy Spirit. In 1984 they became co-founders of a Spanish ministry in Aylmer Ontario, pastored the Church in Aylmer, and did evangelism. In 2006, God called them to plant churches on the east cost of Mexico, in the state of Veracruz, where they started seven churches.

Current Ministry | Henry and Anna Wall joined ServeBeyond in 2017. They currently serve in Mexico full-time, where they encourage the churches they have planted, teach and disciple leaders, and lead evangelistic crusades in their region. Their desire is to see pastors and leaders prepared for effective ministry and healthy churches working in cooperation with each other.


Field: Chiang Mai, Thailand
Category: Global Professional
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-2775
Project: Beautiful Feet Ministries 
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Johnston Heights Church – Surrey BC

Personal Journey | Larry received Jesus Christ as his Saviour at age 9 and was baptized at 17. He attended Bible School and the university in Saskatchewan, as well as Brock University. Diane grew up in a Buddhist environment in Thailand and believed in Christ after university. The two met in Bangkok at Diane’s church while Larry was working with Food for the Hungry. They married in 1988 and have two daughters. The Willems joined the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond) in 2002.

Current Ministry | Larry and Diane live in Changmai, northern Thailand, where they have been involved in education and evangelism projects for a number of years, as well as giving support to two church planters. They have helped out with local churches and taught English for evangelism in Chiangmai and in southern Thailand for one year (2021-22). The Home of Joy, started in 2014,was a girl’s home which they ran for needy teenage girl’s from the mountains. In 2021 they moved out of that home and are continuing to support girl’s education through sponsorship programs together with churches that they have served with. They desire to work together with the local churches to make sure these girl’s have both their physical and spiritual needs taken care of. In addition, Larry, Diane, and Christina teach English at their own English Center called Friendship English Center. They look for opportunities to work with their church and with other partners to bring the gospel into schools, to the families of their students, or sometimes to the needy on the streets. Their daughter Jenny is involved in teaching English as well and attends an International church Chiangmai.

jenny willems

Field: Thailand, Asia
Category: Global Professional Apprentice
EFCC District: Lower Pacific
Account No: 2-2026
Project: Give Hope
Contact: Click here to connect
Home Church: Johnston Heights Church – Surrey BC

Personal Journey | Born in Thailand to Larry and Diane Willems, Jenny grew up as a missionary kid. Educated at a Christian International school, she immersed herself in diverse cultures and deepened her faith under the guidance of Christian mentors. Baptized in 2010, Jenny pursued further spiritual growth through a discipleship training school with YWAM, and then pursued a bachelor’s degree at a Christian university. Following her graduation from university, she interned with ServeBeyond in 2015-2016, volunteering at The School of Promise and caring for high school students at the Home of Joy. Subsequently, she pursued her passion for education at Trinity Western University in 2016-2017 before returning to Thailand to teach. She has been teaching in Thailand ever since.

Current Ministry | Jenny has joined ServeBeyond as a Global Professional Apprentice. She currently teaches at a bilingual school in Thailand, where she is able to share the significance of Christian holidays alongside teaching literacy to first grad students. She is asked to help out at many school events and feels happy with the opportunities she has to do meaningful work in the community. She prays that she will be able to enrich her students’ lives beyond mere academics.

ServeBeyond Projects

africa development

Personnel: James & Kathleen Ngenda | Sammy Kabyemera
Account No: 2-2944

Africa development focuses on church growth, discipleship, education, and community outreach and development.

seniors ministry

Personnel: Bob Shalom
Account No: 2-4401

This project is a partnership with a local church, local volunteer groups and retirement home management. The goal is to enrich the lives of seniors by introducing programs and providing resources to enhance the physical, psychological and spiritual wellness of seniors in rural areas in Asia.

beautiful feet ministries

Personnel: Larry & Diane Willems
Account No: 2-2775 | 2-2777

Beautiful Feet Ministries supports the growth of the local church through teaching Bible in the church and a student hostel, sponsoring the tuition of under-priviledged teenage girls, as well as teaching English to all ages from preschool age children to adults. In this way we seek to build relationships and share the gospel, and partner with the local church in discipleship, outreach and compassion ministries.

bible school ukraine

Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-4140

The EFC of Ukraine has organized a creative Bible School opportunity. The “Good News Bible School” is located in Dnepro. Its program includes a complete 3 year study program. Students have one full class one Saturday a month. Over the course of one year a full balanced program is achieved. A large resource library is available to the students.


Personnel: Tim & Erika Dolsky
Account No: 2-2086

Black Forest Academy, located in Kandern Germany, is a boarding school that serves the needs of missionaries and other expat families living abroad. This project provides supervision and facilitation of the Residents Life program, enabling missionary kids to be cared for in a loving environment.

candelero street kids

Personnel: Helen Blackburn | Heather MacKnee
Account No: 2-5028

The large number of children living on the streets in Tarija and other Bolivian cities is on the rise. The Candelero Street Kids Ministry has rented a building and opens each day for children to come and have a safe place to do their homework, have bible lessons, have a large, healthy meal and receive counselling from the staff. In addition to the drop-in center, Candelero Boys’ Home is open to boys who have been abandoned or have left their families out of desperation to escape poverty. It is a residential home outside of Tarija.

care and development of mk

Personnel: Murray Horton
Account No: 2-4015

MK’s (Missionary Kids) are MK’s because they are the offspring of parents who have chosen to give of themselves and their family for the sake of people around the world hearing the Gospel. MK’s or TCK’s (Third Culture Kids) often struggle to know where home is and where they fit in. This is a natural result because of living outside of their passport country often in boarding school situations. The project is designed to raise money to help MK’s reacclimate to their passport country and understand where and how they fit to fulfill the special role that God has given to them. Money raised through this project will be used to facilitate MK ministry in our ServeBeyond conferences and to send MK’s to “Reboot”, a program hosted by the MORE Network to help MK’s process their experiences and adjust to life in their passport country.

casa de mi padre

Personnel: Rob & Leslee Oudman
Account No: 2-5063

Casa De Mi Padre is a Christian community with projects run by a church of the same name in Diriamba, Nicaragua. We are passionate about sharing the gospel and demonstrating God’s love in the local community. Missionaries Rob and Leslee Oudman oversee a Child Development Centre in the community of San Carlos and El Dulce Refugio Seniors Home in Diriamba alongside the church. As well as loving and serving children and seniors, the project also involves important church discipleship and outreach initiatives.  Our vision is a vibrant church serving its community with JOY!

latin america

Personnel: Louise Chan
Account No: 2-2855

The purpose of this project is to serve the Chinese nationals scattered around Latin America, who are often forgotten in the larger Spanish speaking world, with the formation of Christian churches and Christian schools. We will do this by sending evangelists, church planters, pastors and educators out to the major cities in Latin America seeking to find the pockets of ‘Chinese as first language people.’

church planting in ukraine

Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-4165

Currently there is the Morning Star Church and Word of Life Church in Dnepro, Kramatorsk Church in Kramatorsk and the Bridge Church in Krivoy Rog.

church planting & youth work in kenya

Personnel: Henry & Kim Ngugi
Account No: 2-2104

 “We Want To See Lives transformed by the ‘Move’ of God” 

This projects is focused on transforming a community in Kenya through several long-term missional goals including youth centers, magazine publications and radio outreach. The initial stage will be to open a missionary home to the local people and establish a church plant and a core team.

cuba development

Personnel: Steve & Myra Neufeld
Account No: 2-5050

This project focuses on church growth, discipleship, education and community outreach and development.

deaf camp

Personnel: Norm & Michelle Smith
Account No: 2-2682

This project provides a way for the deaf to have a Christian camp experience where they can learn, feel and embrace the love of God.

EFCP Ministry Partnership

Personnel: Ike & Trudi Agawin | Dale & Ann Little
Account No: 2-4402

This project is a partnership with the Evangelical Free Church of the Philippines, established in order to facilitate the transformation of lives by Jesus Christ and His gospel through planting and establishing churches in the Philippines and internationally. The goal is for the churches to become self-sustaining, interdependent, Christ centered, Bible based, disciple-making churches that in turn plant missional churches. The goal is to plant 200 of these churches in the Philippines, Middle East, Europe, and North America.

el buen samaritano

Personnel: Karen & Scott Vandenberg
Account No: 2-5013

In Mexican culture, seniors are generally cared for by their family members; however, there are numerous cases where seniors have no family left or are abandoned. Life for seniors with no one to care for them is harsh and more often than not, these men and women end up on the streets, exposed to the elements. EL Buen Samaritano (‘The Good Samaritan’) is a 24 bed full care facility that is able to provide genuine loving care in the name of Christ to these seniors.

el roi ministry centre

Personnel: Cecilia Huezo
Account No: 2-2957

El Ro-I Ministries is taken from Genesis 16:14 “the well was called Beer Lahai Roi” which means well of the Living One who sees me. This project serves the people of Tutultepeque, El Salvador through Kid’s Bible Club, Youth Bible Club, Bible studies for adults, a Church plant, teacher/tutoring projects, nutrition and sewing classes, a part-time medical clinic, bike repair shop and much more.

el salvador development

Personnel: Cecilia Huezo
Account No: 2-2957

El Salvador Development focuses on building church growth as well as discipleship, education and community outreach in the cities of El Salvador.

africa development

Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-4025

The Eswatini Ministry Partnership exists to support the construction and operation of EMCU(Eswatini Medical Christian University) and orphanages established by ACM(Africa Continent Mission) in Eswatini.


Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-2258 | 2-2432

This project focuses on church growth, discipleship, education and community outreach and development in European countries.

feal efc lebanon

Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-5003

The Oasis program serves the refugee community and introduces them to Jesus. FEAL provides ongoing assistance to displaced families in Syria.

germany ministry partnership

Personnel: Elizabeth Matthias
Account No: FFEC

Elizabeth Matthias Fund: The purpose of this account is to provide a means for Canadian donors to support the ministry of EFCC’s sister organization, the Free Evangelical Church of Germany (FFEC). The initial project is the renovation of the Free Evangelical Church in Eichstock, Germany. This is followed by the deployment of Canadian missionary personnel to work with FFEC in fulfilling the mission and vision of the Evangelical Free Church of Canada.

give hope ministry

Personnel: Jenny Willems
Account No: 2-2026

Sharing the love of Jesus and the hope we have in Him with elementary students in Asia.

grassroots ministry liberia

Personnel: Kathleen Ngenda
Account No: 2-2475

Liberia development focuses on church growth, discipleship, education and community outreach and development in Liberia.

hacienda los arboles

Personnel: John & Donna Greer | Wade & Adele Hammond
Account No: 2-5014

This Retreat Center provides churches and youth groups to have a place out of the city where they can run events such as marriage retreats, youth events and leadership training on the property.

hungary ministry

Personnel: Shaun & Sondi Carlaw
Account No: 2-4220

Hungary Ministries focuses on church planting and growth, Roma ministries, summer camps, English clubs, and supporting those in the community who wish to further study the Bible. The goal is to see people hear and understand the gospel, come to Christ and grow in their faith.

kramatorsk building project

Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-6126

Yurii is the pastor of an EFC church in Kramatorsk, Ukraine. This city has been particularly affected by the war between Russia and Ukraine. He has a passion to see people’s physical needs met (of which there are many) and to share Jesus with them. He desires to see another church planted in an area where there currently are none. A very strategic location has been found, with an opportunity to buy the bottom floor of a building (315 m2). The building is right in the middle of a neighborhood of nine-story apartment blocks. It is the center of this community!

All donations go towards the purchase of the building.

krivoy rog ministry centre

Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-6110

A place for community in Krivoy Rog, Ukraine

la semilla

Personnel: Rob & Leslee Oudman
Account No: 2-5062

La Semilla “The Seed” is a Nicaraguan based ministry project that promotes and teaches sustainable agriculture and focuses on training in biblical knowledge, best practice for raising children, health issues and education for rural communities.

latin america-2

Personnel: Steve & Myra Neufeld
Account No: 2-5010

This project focuses on church growth, descipleship, education and community outreach and development in Latin American countries.


Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-4146

This project supports a Ukrainian national who has developed a counselling ministry that touches lives that are hurting, confused and lost.

make a difference mexico

Personnel: Greg & Shelli Neufeld
Account No: 2-2472

Through your financial gift you can help: meet the monthly support needs of Greg and Shelli Neufeld, support the WINGS ministry for young adults transitioning out of orphanages, assist with the production of BIBLE SAFARI curriculum and the teaching of children’s ministry leaders, provide medical and housing needs for people in poverty, develop the Hacienda Los Arboles Retreat Centre for the use of Mexican churches, youth camps and mission teams.  Thank you!

medicare resources

Personnel: Dale & Ann Little
Account No: 2-4450

The Medicare Resources project provides medical aid, disaster relief, and educational help to the poor in China. It assists a local bible school that serves the Lisu tribal people, in the Yunnan province, by helping purchase bookshelves, desks, and other furniture for their new library.


Personnel: Jerome Harvey
Account No: 2-5055

MEMO – Medical Equipment Modernization Opportunity

This ministry is focused on receiving donated equipment from institutions in Canada and shipping it overseas to be used in hospitals, clinics and cancer centers that are then able to prevent health issues or treat sickness. MEMO also provides all the equipment, specific training as needed as well as sources repair parts for the equipment that have shipped to Cuba or Zimbabwe. As Christian doctors, nurses and support staff travel to the receiving hospitals, the gospel is lived out in person.

make a difference mexico

Personnel: Jack & Lucy Vogt | Henry & Anna Wall
Account No: 2-2061 | 2-3277

Mexico Development focuses on building church growth as well as discipleship, education and community outreach in the cities of Mexico.

latin america-2

Personnel: John & Naomi Hall
Account No: 2-5032

This project provides consulting and teacher training within the Christian School movement in a variety of Latin American countries. Our staff regularly engage in consulting, training, evaluation of programming and direct counselling to improve the local educational offerings.

rays of love

Personnel: Adam & Liubov Nikkel
Account No: 2-2879

Rays of Love orphanage ministry serves in Krivoy Rog Ukraine. This ministry shows the love of Christ in many very practical ways as they help the helpless in addition to sharing the gospel.

rwanda church plant

Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-4026

The purpose of this project is to make-disciples and plant churches in Rwanda in partnership with the EFC Rwanda and Grace Hanin Community Church. The focus is on the transformation of lives in the Rwandan communities through Christ and the addition of new churches to the EFC family.

latin america

Personnel: Dale & Bev Driedger
Account No: 2-2093

South America Development focuses on church growth, discipleship, education and community outreach and development in South American countries.

summer english institute

Personnel: n/a
Account No: 2-4086

Summer English Institute is offered every summer in Dnepro and Krivoy Rog, Ukraine.  and is open to those who want to come to improve their English. There are follow-up English clubs throughout the year. Each offers a short Bible study in English as well.

tmc chinese ministries

Personnel: David & Lina
Account No: 2-2377

The Chinese ministries of Tokyo Multiculturalh Church seeks to reach Chinese, Japanese, and the international community of Tokyo with the gospel.


Personnel: Dale & Ann Little | Jon & Laura Prins | David & Lina
Account No: 2-2302

TMC is a church that celebrates the cultural diversity of the world’s largest mega-city by worshiping and obeying Jesus in a warm and welcoming multicultural setting. Their desire is to eventually have multiple language-specific departments (English, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese), Tagalog, Portuguese, etc.). Both short and long-term workers are welcomed to work with TMC as they reach out to the many nations represented in Tokyo.

church planting in ukraine

Personnel: Adam & Liubov Nikkel
Account No: 2-4110

This project focuses on discipleship training, education and Community Development in Ukraine.

asia development

Personnel: Dale & Ann Little
Account No: 2-4420

Victory Church in Hong Kong reaches a segment of society that is heavily influenced by gang culture and criminal activity. Our project assists with their annual evangelistic banquet where relationships are built and the gospel is clearly proclaimed.

zimbabwe gecko

Personnel: Frank & Susan Janetti
Account No: 2-3257

Zimbabwe Gecko aims to break the cycle of poverty in Zimbabwe by creating long-term, sustainable community health. This is done by focusing efforts on one community at a time until self-sufficiency and independence is reached.
