Please Join Us in Prayer
Dear fellow servants of Jesus Christ,
This year has been a particularly harsh year for wildfires in Canada. Numerous communities across Canada have faced evacuations and significant loss already, with more yet to be accounted for. Right now, several communities where we have Evangelical Free Churches are either on evacuation alert or order, with at least one community suffering some loss. We are not yet certain of the degree of that loss.
We are currently monitoring the situation, and we’re in ongoing communication with district superintendents (DSes) and pastors from affected areas. When we have a sense of how best we can use the Benevolence Fund to support affected communities, we’ll let you know.
For now, could I ask you to be in prayer for communities threatened by wildfire? The situation right now is critical for many people. The time for hands-on help will likely come soon. But for now, the most important thing we can do is lift these communities up in prayer. Please join us in that effort.
In fact, let me lead us in a prayer right here and now:
Father, we know you pay attention to all the details of your creation. Not even a single sparrow falls to the ground without you knowing, and caring. So, we know that you care about the situation we now face. In your care, would you please walk with us. We pray for the efforts of our firefighters as they battle blazes that threaten communities. Empower them in their work and keep them safe.
We pray for communities that have suffered loss. Please bring loving hands and hearts to help carry the burden of that loss.
We pray for communities that are still at risk. Please bring peace.
Father, we read that Jesus calmed the storms and stilled the waves, and so we ask that you turn the blazes away and dampen the flames.