Terry & Peggy Kaufman
Position: EFCC Leadership Catalyst
Project: Home Office Staff
Personal Journey | Terry entered study for ministry after being a businessman and “layleader” in his local Free Church for 10 years. After completing a Master of Arts in Theology degree he pastored the EFC in Kelowna, B.C., then served in the EFCC National Office as Executive Administrator and Director of National Ministries before moving to Steinbach to serve as Senior Preaching Pastor at Emmanuel EFC for 16 years. He now teaches part time at Steinbach Bible College and serves the EFCC as Leadership Catalyst. Terry has been married to Peggy for 40 years, and they have two married children and one grandson, all living in Steinbach. Terry and Peggy continue to be involved at Emmanuel EFC.
Current Ministry | As Leadership Catalyst Terry is burdened to grow leadership in the EFCC (and beyond), quantitatively but more importantly qualitatively. He works with pastors, boards, missionaries and other leaders in mentoring, consultation, and resourcing. He also invests in young leaders through his teaching at Steinbach Bible College. He is passionate about equipping lay leaders to serve in the church and in the community, creating healthy cultures, helping pastors be healthy shepherds, and nurturing new leaders who will serve in the EFCC for years to come.