Wade & Adele Hammond
Mission Field: Hermosillo, Mexico
Category: Career Missionary
Project: Hacienda Los Arboles Retreat Centre
Personal Journey | Wade and Adele grew up Southern Saskatchewan. They met in High School, fell deeply in love, and soon after Adele graduated, were married. From the very beginning they were actively involved serving the local church. Adele helped with administrative tasks, children’s ministry and Bible studies while Wade served as the Sunday School Superintendent and church treasurer. In the Summer of 1984, they felt led to leave the family business to attend Millar College of the Bible. Missions and missionaries have had a significant impact in their lives prior to attending college, and the time at Millar resulted in that passion growing. After graduating in 1987, they moved to Edmonton where Wade completed his M. Div. and connected with an EFCC church plant in the city. In the 90’s Wade served as an associate pastor at Millwoods EFC in Edmonton before moving on to pastor the EFC of Coronation. Adele’s specific interest in the EFCCM (now ServeBeyond) grew as she served for seven years on the EFCC’s mission board during this time. From2004-2012,Wade and Adele lived and worked in Red Deer where they were involved in the International EFC – a Spanish church. This Spanish ministry motivated them both to become ESL instructors. Following their move to Abbotsford, Adele completed her MA TESOL at TWU and taught international university students there while Wade served as the Personnel Director at the EFCC/M National Office until 2018. Wade and Adele have 2 sons, 2 daughters-in-law and 4 wonderful grandchildren.
Current Ministry | Wade and Adele are living in Hermosillo, Mexico and have become a part of the Árbol de Vida EFC church ministry. Their ministry focus is using English (ESL) instruction to connect with people both within the church and outside of it. Wade is overseeing the development of the Hacienda Los Arboles retreat centre as well as performing administrative duties for other ServeBeyond ministries in Hermosillo.