Hungary Ministries

The purpose of this project is to further church planting ministries, Roma ministries, evangelism and events, English club outreaches, and Christian summer camp ministries in Hungary. The ultimate goal of the project is to see people hear and understand the gospel, come to Christ and to grow in their faith. These efforts include covering expenses for nationals serving in outreaches, providing summer camp scholarships, Bibles and Christian literature for campers, and teaching and resources for English club students and others interested in studying the Bible.

servebeyond personnel
shaun sondi carlaw

Project: Hungary Ministries Hungary Ministries focuses on church planting and...

Carlaw, Shaun & Sondi

Career Missionaries in Hungary
shaun sondi carlaw

Carlaw, Shaun & Sondi

Position: Career Missionaries in Hungary

Project: Hungary Ministries

Hungary Ministries focuses on church planting and growth, Roma ministries, summer camps, English clubs, and supporting those in the community who wish to further study the Bible. The goal is to see people hear and understand the gospel, come to Christ and grow in their faith.