Lebanon | Japan | Philippines | Thailand


Spending of funds is confined to organization-approved programs and projects. Each restricted contribution designated towards an organization-approved program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that, when the need for such a program or project has been met or cannot be completed for any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where needed most.

Projects in Asia

seniors ministry

This project is a partnership with a local church, local...

Asia Seniors Ministry

seniors ministry

Asia Seniors Ministry

This project is a partnership with a local church, local volunteer groups and retirement home management. The goal is to enrich the lives of seniors by introducing programs and providing resources to enhance the physical, psychological and spiritual wellness of seniors in rural areas in Asia.

home of joy

Beautiful Feet Ministries supports the growth of the local church through teaching...

Beautiful Feet Ministries

home of joy

Beautiful Feet Ministries

Beautiful Feet Ministries supports the growth of the local church through teaching Bible in the church and a student hostel, sponsoring the tuition of under-priviledged teenage girls, as well as teaching English to all ages from preschool age children to adults. In this way we seek to build relationships and share the gospel, and partner with the local church in discipleship, outreach and compassion ministries.

latin america background

The purpose of this project is to serve the Chinese...

Chinese EFC Church & School Ministry

latin america background

Chinese EFC Church & School Ministry

The purpose of this project is to serve the Chinese nationals scattered around Latin America, who are often forgotten in the larger Spanish speaking world, with the formation of Christian churches and Christian schools. We will do this by sending evangelists, church planters, pastors and educators out to the major cities in Latin America seeking to find the pockets of ‘Chinese as first language people.’

efcp ministry partnership

This project is a partnership with the Evangelical Free Church...

EFCP Ministry Partnership

efcp ministry partnership

EFCP Ministry Partnership

This project is a partnership with the Evangelical Free Church of the Philippines, established in order to facilitate the transformation of lives by Jesus Christ and His gospel through planting and establishing churches in the Philippines and internationally. The goal is for the churches to become self-sustaining, interdependent, Christ centered, Bible based, disciple-making churches that in turn plant missional churches. The goal is to plant 200 of these churches in the Philippines, Middle East, Europe, and North America.


The Oasis program serves the refugee community and introduces them...

FEAL [EFC Lebanon]


FEAL [EFC Lebanon]

The Oasis program serves the refugee community and introduces them to Jesus. FEAL provides ongoing assistance to displaced families in Syria.

give hope

Project: Give Hope Sharing the love of Jesus and the...

Give Hope

give hope

Give Hope

Project: Give Hope

Sharing the love of Jesus and the hope we have in Him with elementary students in Asia.

medicare resources

The Medicare Resources project provides medical aid, disaster relief, and...

Medicare Resources

medicare resources

Medicare Resources

The Medicare Resources project provides medical aid, disaster relief, and educational help to the poor in China. It assists a local bible school that serves the Lisu tribal people, in the Yunnan province, by helping purchase bookshelves, desks, and other furniture for their new library.

tmc chinese ministries church planting

TMC Chinese ministries church planting is focused on making disciples...

TMC Chinese Ministries Church Planting

tmc chinese ministries church planting

TMC Chinese Ministries Church Planting

TMC Chinese ministries church planting is focused on making disciples by sharing Jesus Christ with many Chinese who live in Tokyo, Japan, with the hope that these Chinese believers will share the gospel with the Japanese people.

tokyo multicultural church

TMC is a church that celebrates the cultural diversity of...

Tokyo Multicultural Church

tokyo multicultural church

Tokyo Multicultural Church

TMC is a church that celebrates the cultural diversity of the world’s largest mega-city by worshiping and obeying Jesus in a warm and welcoming multicultural setting. Their desire is to eventually have multiple language-specific departments (English, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese), Tagalog, Portuguese, etc.). Both short and long-term workers are welcomed to work with TMC as they reach out to the many nations represented in Tokyo.

Asia Development 1

Victory Church in Hong Kong reaches a segment of society...

Victory Church

Asia Development 1

Victory Church

Victory Church in Hong Kong reaches a segment of society that is heavily influenced by gang culture and criminal activity. Our project assists with their annual evangelistic banquet where relationships are built and the gospel is clearly proclaimed.

Missionaries in Asia

dale ann little

Project: Tokyo Multicultural Church | EFCP Ministry Partnership TMC is a...

Little, Dale & Ann

Church Planter & Regional Coordinator - Asia
dale ann little

Little, Dale & Ann

Position: Church Planter & Regional Coordinator - Asia

Project: Tokyo Multicultural Church | EFCP Ministry Partnership

TMC is a church that celebrates the cultural diversity of the world’s largest mega-city by worshiping and obeying Jesus in a warm and welcoming multicultural setting. Their desire is to eventually have multiple language-specific departments (English, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese), Tagalog, Portuguese, etc.). Both short and long-term workers are welcomed to work with TMC as they reach out to the many nations represented in Tokyo.


Project: Faith Academy This project provides staffing needs for Faith...

Miller, Jason & Andrea

Career Missionaries in Philippines

Miller, Jason & Andrea

Position: Career Missionaries in Philippines

Project: Faith Academy

This project provides staffing needs for Faith Academy located in Manilla, Philippines. Faith Academy is a boarding school that serves the needs of missionaries and other expat families living throughout Asia.

jon laura prins

Project: Tokyo Multicultural Church TMC is a church that celebrates...

Prins, Jon & Laura

Global Professional
jon laura prins

Prins, Jon & Laura

Position: Global Professional

Project: Tokyo Multicultural Church

TMC is a church that celebrates the cultural diversity of the world’s largest mega-city by worshiping and obeying Jesus in a warm and welcoming multicultural setting. Their desire is to eventually have multiple language-specific departments (English, Japanese, Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese), Tagalog, Portuguese, etc.). Both short and long-term workers are welcomed to work with TMC as they reach out to the many nations represented in Tokyo.

larry diane willems

Project: Beautiful Feet Ministries Beautiful Feet Ministries supports the growth of...

Willems, Larry & Diane

Global Professional in Thailand
larry diane willems

Willems, Larry & Diane

Position: Global Professional in Thailand

Project: Beautiful Feet Ministries

Beautiful Feet Ministries supports the growth of the local church through teaching Bible in the church and a student hostel, sponsoring the tuition of under-priviledged teenage girls, as well as teaching English to all ages from preschool age children to adults. In this way we seek to build relationships and share the gospel, and partner with the local church in discipleship, outreach and compassion ministries.